Chienyu Chen

Beauty Standard

Beauty Standard, 2596 × 2818px, photoshop, 2021


Whether in advertisements, on social platforms, or between friends, we can always unintentionally and indirectly receive society’s expectations of women’s appearance. Women have to maintain a slim figure, women without makeup are ugly, and women without hair removal are disgusting. Our society always use these odd standards to measure the charm of a woman or ask women to follow these standards. Ultimately, this causes many women to feel anxious and stress about their appearance. Therefore, I want to use this work to protest the vigilance about women's appearance in our society. I use multiple found materials to create this glitched collage. In the center of this glitched collage is the famous sculpture of Alexandros of Antioch: Venus de Milo. Venus de Milo was praised dutifully by many artists and critics as the epitome of graceful female beauty. The objects behind it are the epitome of the ways women use to meet the beauty standards. Including zero-calorie salads for weight loss, cosmetics for a more delicacy appearance, and high heels for slender legs. In order to convey my thoughts more clearly and with less misunderstandings, I broke the original images of Venus de Milo and the objects behind it. I cut these images into many small pieces so that people can see these objects clearly and at the same time feel an unreal feeling. In this way, I hope that women who are anxiety about their appearance can understand that those beauty standards set by our society are unrealistic. P eople don’t have to be overly anxious about their appearance, because beauty has no standard. Rather than blindly pursuing the beauty standards set by others, it is better to discover your own beauty and let it shine.

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