Chienyu Chen


Chienyu Chen is an artist from Taiwan. She was born in Taipei, Taiwan and received national compulsory education in Taiwan. Chen's growth environment has made her immersed in Taiwanese local culture, traditional Chinese culture, and various Chinese folk religious thoughts since childhood. These different cultural and religious thoughts have influenced her thoughts and values to some extent. Chen then moved to California, USA at the age of 18 to study at a community college. Changes in the living environment have had a drastic impact on Chen's adaptation to the environment, culture shock, thoughts, and values. During the process of adapting to life in the United States, Chen gradually became interested in the cultural differences between Eastern and Western. Now Chen is a student of Digital Media Art (DMA) at San Jose State University. Chen's life experiences in Taiwan and the United States have not only shaped her thinking but also enabled her to incorporate elements of the Eastern and Western into her art.

Artist Statement

I am Chienyu Chen, a visual artist. As an artist, I like to try to bring out all the wild imaginations in my mind through my works. I often think about the possibility of different combinations of various materials, and how to incorporate the information I want to convey into my work in a symbolic way. Therefore, the themes I explore in my works are quite wide, sometimes it is current affairs issues, social chaos, or my imagination. I use both traditional and new media techniques to produce my works. I currently use Photoshop, Lightroom, and iMove to create most of my digital media works. Beside this, I am also learning how to use Illustrator, Dimension, and Premiere Pro to increase my possibilities in new media art creation. I look forward to creating more amazing works through these technologies in the near future.

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