Chienyu Chen

Forgotten Beauty

Forgotten Beauty, 595 × 842px, 1191 × 842px, photo, Adobe Lightroom, 2020


Most people are busy at work and class every day. They may have similar itinerary, may see the same group of people, and may see the similar scenery day by day. Therefore, people gradually getting tired of or lose sight of the beauty of the scenery they see in their daily life. These forgotten beautiful scenery can be flowers and trees on roadside, a graffiti on wall, or a cup of coffee be held in your hand. Although those wonderful things may have been forgotten, they actually stayed quietly in a corner waiting to be discovered again. Therefore, I take up my camera and take pictures of objects I found interesting on street, in park, or anywhere I went. These things are not limited to beautiful objects, it could also be some ordinary objects or certain forgotten corners. I photograph these things from different angles at different time and different places. I hope to use these photos to evoke those beautiful moments that may have been gradually forgotten in our daily life.

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