Chienyu Chen

Limitless Imagination

Limitless Imagination, 559 × 743px, photoshop, 2021


This digital collage was made by 11 different photos that I found on the Internet. The background of this digital collage is a picture overlooking the ocean from the sky. I combined this picture with a picture of a girl's profile and added a blue, fluorescent sunglasses to the girl. Then I added many different kinds of plants, bubbles, light bulbs, and two signs with different slogans behind the back of the girl's head. I made this digital collage to convey the information of do not be afraid to challenge and realize the dreams in your mind. I aligned the back of the girl’s head in the collage with the waves in the background picture to make the waves look like the girl’s endless new ideas. The plants and light bulbs I added behind the back of the girl's head symbolize the planned things and new ideas in the girl's mind. In addition, the slogans on the two signages are "TURN IDEAS INTO REALITY" and "NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE" respectively, which are intended to encourage people do not be afraid to realize their ideas and dreams.

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