Chienyu Chen

Road of My Life

Road of My Life, chocolate, paper, plastic card, facial mask, key, 2021


This sculpture is composed of multiple castings of light bulbs, each casting is placed on a step of a stair. And each step of the stair symbolizes a year. The steps closer to the bottom symbolize the past. Conversely, the steps closer to the top symbolize the future. As part of this sculpture, this stair continues to extend in a certain direction just like a person’s life. You will never know where the destination is or what may happen to you in the next step (next year) of your life. I use this stair to symbolize my life and named it Road of My Life. The light bulb castings in this sculpture symbolizes some memorable thing that had happened or will happen to me in my life. Since the concept of this sculpture is to visualize the course of life, I put a complete/broken light bulb casting on each step to show what will happen/what I have experienced. These castings are arranged in a winding line. When you look at these castings from the bottom up, it will seem like seeing footprints of my personal life. Instead of directly using texts to describe my stories , I chose to use objects to tell viewer the stories for mine. Even though I do not tell the viewers anything about my past, they were still able to roughly guess the message I wanted to convey through these objects. For example, roses, student ID cards, and certificates in this work convey the messages of my romance, study process, and academic qualifications.

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