Chienyu Chen

Super Candy

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Super Candy, 10cmx10cmx4cm, Sculpture, 2022


In the world scientists invent drugs that allow people to temporarily improve certain specific abilities, such as vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch and so on. If you take a hearing-enhancing drug, your hearing will improve dramatically within the next two hours, allowing you to hear farther and subtle sounds. However, the price is that your hearing (or other abilities) will be greatly reduced after the effect of the drug wears off and it will take about a day to regain your hearing. If you take two drugs at the same time, you will be able to temporarily enhance both abilities, but the cost is that you need about a week of recovery. If you take three or more drugs at the same time, you may permanently lose those abilities or die immediately after the effects of the drugs wear off. These drugs were hugely popular after their introduction, however it also led to many tragedies. It is now listed as a banned drug by the government and its sale is prohibited. Yet the drug remains a hot commodity on the black market. Many people would rather suffer the harsh side effects of these drugs in order to experience the sensory stimulation it brings. If it were you, would you take the risk to try it out?

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